Assisted Living Options

Assisted Living Communities are designed to meet the needs of seniors who no longer can live alone, but who are also not in need of skilled nursing services. Residents usually live in private apartments and receive individualized licensed care.

Amenities like meals, housekeeping and social activities are generally included. More extensive assistance such as dressing, bathing, medication management, and incontinence care are available as needed. In-house care teams tend to the more elevated services, and monthly cost is dependent on the needs of the resident.

Many Assisted Living Communities aim for an “age in place” environment, meaning care is available in multiple tiers designed to follow someone through end of life without need for another move.

Quick Facts

  • Most are private pay, but some benefits or long term care insurance may be applicable
  • Residents are encouraged to socialize; most communities have an Activities Director to guide residents through events
  • Onsite care differs but usually includes 24/7 staff, all meals, medication management, laundry services, and bathing, grooming and dressing assistance. Special diets, incontinence care, wound care, diabetic care, and other specialized care is also many times available in Assisted Living communities.

Contact us to learn more about Assisted Living Senior Communities near you.